Huronia Players the Drawer Boy
Click on Photos to Enlarge A very successful season for the Vasey 4-H Calf Club, which won a number of collective and individual County honors, was climaxed by an awards dinner in Vasey United Church Wednesday night. Sponsored by Tiny and Tay Agricultural Society and Vasey Junior Farmers, the calf club had 20 members this year. All but one of them achieved a total of 800 points or better, out of a possible 1,000, on their year's work. Left to right are; Pauline Robinson, Bob Rawson, Blayne Edwards, Grant Robinson, Lloyd Curry, Bill Armstrong, David Jones.
This was all that was left of Port McNicoll police chief John Magnus' car after it had rolled over several times near the CPR subway, on Highway 12 between Midland and Victoria Harbour, early Monday morning. Unconscious for several hours, Chief Magnus is now progressing satisfactorily at St. Andrews Hospital, Midland.
It seems like only a few weeks ago that Midland's Little Leaguers, hockey version, were winding up their 1957-58 season. Wednesday night they were back again to start a new season. Action above shows a game between Toronto and the Canadiens in the National League section.
These men found much to be happy about as they gathered together Monday night to check first returns of Midland YMCA's campaign to raise $10,500. They found that $6,179, or 69 percent of the objective had been reached so far. From left to right are; Harold Boyd, Ed B. Kendall, Frank Bray, Bill Thompson, Charles Vent, and John Bridges.
Dangers of setting buildings on fire purposely, as was done to the old Grant home on Wireless Hill Halloween night, were pointed out by Arnold Tippin chief of the Midland Fire Department, in a letter to this paper. Chief Tippin pointed out that the department did not light the fire, nor were any members present when it was lit. "At 8 p.m. that evening," said Chief Tippin, "I informed the owners that wind conditions made it impossible to have the burning on that night. However, at approximately 9 p.m., I received a call by telephone stating that wind conditions were nil and that a large crowd had gathered." "I replied that I would proceed to the property and again check wind conditions," the chief said. Because of the huge traffic jam in the area, the fire was already going strong when Chief Tippin reached the area. A call was put into the fire hall to send the pumper and members of the brigade. The pumper too was delayed by traffic and several cars had to be moved in order to reach a hydrant with hose lines from the pumper. Cars were parked on both sides of every street bordering the area.
Burning with intense heat, flames from the large wooden structure quickly drove all spectators back to a safe distance. A northerly wind carried burning embers and sparks in the direction of a number of houses on nearby Donalda Street. Firemen also had to control fires which sprang up in the long grass area and wild shrubs in the area. Streams of water were played on one house nearby to curtail the effects of heat from the burning home and outbuildings on the same property. It was estimated that nearly 500 cars were in the vicinity of the Halloween night blaze.
Near perfect weather made things pleasant for the "shell outers" in Midland Halloween night. Above, Mrs. Ernie Bates fills up the bag for some youngsters from the Russell-Dominion area. Police reported it was the quietest night in years.
These miniature paddle-wheel "steamers" may be a feature attraction at Little Lake Park next year. Representatives of an Owen Sound firm which builds the Saranac paddle boats gave a demonstration of the craft's features to members of the parks board Oct. 28. Commissioners Walter Wood (front) and Bill Murray are getting a firsthand view of the boat's handling and safety qualities.
Plenty of energy, if not a great deal of finesse, characterized the final day's action in Midland's Little Soccer League Saturday. The scene above was taken during the National League final, won by Toronto. The league, for boys of public school age, was originated and sponsored by Huronia Soccer Club.
- County Herald headline November 7, 1958; Grant Penetang Firm $14,570 Assessment Cut . Faced with only three appeals, Penetang Court of Revisions gave reductions in two cases Monday night and sustained the third at its present level. The court was composed of Jerome Gignac, Chairman Oscar Ross, Deputy-reeve Archie Verrière and Councillor Jan Uhlrichsen and Ralph White. The biggest reduction was to Beatty Bros. Ltd., and James Stewart Manufacturing Co. Ltd., with a total amount of $l4,570. The basis of the appeal presented by James Stewart Co. Manager Clayton Israel was the fact that certain portions of the plant are not being used under present production levels.
- Free Press Herald headline November 5, 1958; Per Capita Grant Boost Likely for Municipalities . This was outlined in a letter from the Ontario Hospital Association which was read to Tiny Township council Monday. The letter was taken as an indication of the provincial government's concern with respect to payments for indigents under the new hospital insurance scheme which becomes effective Jan. 1. The hospital association statement indicated that municipalities can pay if they so wish, the insurance registration fee of persons on relief, to eliminate some of the indigent hospitalization costs. One specific paragraph in the letter said the provincial government would be increasing unconditional per capita grants to assist municipalities with the higher indigent costs under the new insurance scheme.
- With the capture Thursday night of six youths, five of them under sixteen years of age, Midland police believe they have nabbed a group responsible for a series of break-ins and acts of vandalism in the town within recent weeks. Police Chief Robert Cameron said the boys were caught by Const. Ross Willett after they had broken into a prefab summer cottage, owned by V. B. Strickland and located on Midland's King Street, N.
- One of Canada's first female tellers, Mrs. Alma Hancock balanced her cash for the last time, Friday, Oct. 31, at the Penetang branch of The Toronto Dominion Bank, and started on a well-earned retirement. Contrary to the general opinion that women tellers were an innovation of World War II, Mrs. Hancock entered this branch of the banking service when manpower became scarce during World War I. Mrs. Hancock started as a stenographer in Midland when the manager of the bank of British North America received a call from his head office asking whether he knew of any girls who were good at figures, and who would like to enter the banking business. He knew of Mrs. Hancock, then Alma Beaudoin, and immediately mentioned her name. When she was contacted, Mrs. Hancock recalled: "I was very much thrilled and interested." She was sent to Toronto head office of the bank where she learned the intricacies of dealing with money and finally arrived back in Midland in 1916 where she took over the teller's cage. Speaking of the "cage" as it actually was at that time, Hancock said it gave one quite a feeling of importance to be standing, locked alone in a cage with cash in the drawer and spread out on the desk, "and a revolver by your side!" This brought up the question as to whether she ever had experienced a hold-up, to which she quickly, answered, "Oh, my goodness no. But I did detect counterfeit money on several different occasions." The veteran teller said she had detected the spurious currency, each time by its "feel." "The bills were very well printed, and I don't think I could have told the difference by that, but the paper just didn't have the right feel," she said. She continued working in the bank for some 15 years until she married Bill Hancock, a well-known hockey coach. At that time she settled into the duties of a housewife and remained at home until early in the second World War. Short of help, with many of their employees joining the armed services; the manager of the Bank of Toronto at Penetang called on her for assistance. When her husband died before the employment emergency ended, Mrs. Hancock stayed on at her work and continued there until her retirement. Admitting she had worked for four different banks, Mrs. Hancock said, "and I never got away with a nickel of their money." She started with the Bank of British North America; which eventually became the Bank of Montreal. In her second stint, Mrs. Hancock started with the Bank of Toronto, which became the Toronto-Dominion Bank only a few years ago. Summing up her banking experience, Mrs. Hancock said, '"The work was no hardship because I loved every minute of it. It is an interesting occupation, and I am sure that at my age I couldn't have stood on my feet all day if I hadn't been interested and liked it." As to her retirement, Mrs. Hancock thinks she will continue to tend her garden which holds a great deal of interest for her. She would also like to do some travelling. Mrs. Hancock is a native of this district, having been born at Lafontaine, the daughter of M. Beaudoin, a well-known merchant of that village. He was also clerk-treasurer of the Township of Tiny for many years.
- Ralph Dalton, clerk-treasurer of Tay, said yesterday he does not think there is "a single live fox in the township." Most of the animals, Mr. Dalton said, perished in the rabies epidemic which caused considerable concern in Tay early this year. Workmen engaged clearing the way for the new road between Craighurst and Waubaushene found dozens of carcasses lying alongside the right-of-way, he reported. "We were very fortunate that the rabies epidemic hit the Township before the cattle were put out to pasture." Said Mr. Dalton.
- With thirty-two pairs of matched "rocks" expected to arrive from Scotland before Nov. 24, there should be a smell of heather around Penetang Memorial Community Centre when curling officially starts on that date. Prospective curling club members, who met Monday night, heard the rocks are ready for shipment from Glasgow and should be in this country before the opening date. A social evening has been scheduled for Nov. 19 when all prospective members will be invited to inspect the new lounge facilities on the mezzanine floor of the rink.
- The Business and Professional Women's Club of Midland met Oct. 15 at the home of Mrs. Lavina Faires and Miss Mary Heels. There were 16 members present. Plans were made for a bake sale and bazaar to be held at the Georgian Hotel later this month. The club's monthly dinner meeting was held at the Georgian Hotel Oct. 27 with 16-members present. The latter part of the evening was spent at a meeting of the Horticultural Society.
- Bert Armstrong of Port McNicoll used a little applied science and recovered a wallet containing a considerable sum of money, which he lost one day last week. Bert drove his car to Benson's service station to get some gas. He took his wallet out of his pocket, paid for the gas and then, for some reason, laid it on the trunk. A few minutes later he drove off. When he arrived home, he looked for his wallet but couldn't find it. Then he remembered what had happened and returned to the service station. A search there proved fruitless. Placing another wallet of the same weight and in about the same position on the trunk, he drove off with two companions riding on the back bumper to see when and where the substitute wallet would fall off. Retracing his earlier route along the Evergreen side road, Mr. Armstrong discovered the second wallet fell off near Wyebridge. The three searched the side of the road near the spot where the second purse had slid off the trunk. A few yards away they found the original wallet with its contents intact.
- PERKINSFIELD— Dr. J. M. Nettleton visited friends and week-ended at his cottage at Cawaga Beach. – Mrs. Simone Colvey (nee Asselin) has had her home south of the Separate School enlarged and modernized. She will be residing there after the sailing season is over. – Bernard Lefaive is attending the G. M. classes in Oshawa. His wife accompanied him to Oshawa. – Gildore Quesnelle entered the Richmond Hill hospital Monday, for a minor operation. – Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Villeneuve of Weston week-ended with relatives here and in Penetang – Hilare Lesperance's burns on his hand and back have started healing a little, but he had to be transferred to a Toronto hospital for further treatment Monday. – Homer Charlebois of Barrie has moved into his new home across the road from Henry Pauze's property. – Mrs. Albert Morin and her son, Edmund, visited Irene in Villa Marguerite Bourgeoys, Toronto, over the weekend. – Ted Beauchamp is progressing favorably in the Penetang General Hospital. – Mr. and Mrs. Etienne Marchildon, Denis and Marc, and Charles Lefaive week-ended with relatives in Hamilton.- Mrs. Art Ridout has returned home from a week's visit to Toronto. – Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Marchildon spent the weekend with their daughters in Buffalo.
- COLDWATER — The rubble and charred wreckage at Cecil and Lloyd Biggs' farm on Bayview Hill is being replaced rapidly by a new barn, through help from friends and neighbors. Already the cement block foundation for the barn which was destroyed in a $25,000 fire October 12, has been completed. Cecil Biggs, who hopes the barn will be completed within a month, said that gangs of men arrive every day to assist with the work of clearing the wreckage and getting the rebuilding He stated they had brought feed for his animals, were helping with other chores and in general had made it possible for him and his brother Lloyd to make a new start.
- Twenty-Five Years Ago This Week – F. C. Battrick, chairman of the relief committee of Midland council, submitted a new system for handling relief provisions. One of the proposals, adopted by the council was that only one week's allowance of either, bread, milk or meat be given at a time. * * * Deputy-reeve Mackie of Midland reported to council that wood was being stolen from the civic wood yard and Reeve Hill reported that bundles of lath had disappeared from his lumber yard. * * * The annual meeting of St. Andrews Hospital Board heard a financial report from H. J. Thompson which showed an operating surplus for the year of $1,817.26. It was insufficient to meet the annual reserve for depreciation which amounted to $6,968.90, leaving a deficit of $5,151.64. * * * Krikor Hekeimian, a husky Armenian young man, had a novel way of earning his bread and butter during the depression. "Give me enough to buy a dinner and I'll go for a swim in the lake for you. It will make a good story for your paper." After checking his credentials, the Free Press agreed. The paper got its story after Mr. Hekeimian had his swim in Little Lake at the end of October. * * * An advertisement guaranteed a permanent wave "for only $2." * * * The Tobermory wireless station was closed permanently at the end of the navigational season. * * * A small item from London, England, said: "Television may be possible in every household within a year or two."
- Midland and district residents have started adding their donations to the Springhill Disaster Relief Fund, local bank managers advised yesterday. Of the four local banks, one had received seven donations and the others one donation each. While bank managers were reluctant to disclose any names or amounts; it is reported that the crew of the S.S. Coverdale, tied up in Midland harbor, has made a substantial donation (many Maritimers crewed on the Great Lakes). Two Midlanders, Bud Laity, tenor, and Stan Harman, organist at Knox Presbyterian Church, are among a group of district citizens who have agreed to assist in an all-night telethon tonight. CKVR-TV officials at Barrie state. The telethon is being held to raise $10,000 for the Springhill relief fund. About 100 men were saved and 70 other miners died in a "bump" in the Nova Scotia coal mine 10 days ago.
- A native of Midland, OPP Const. Jack Ambeau joined the Victoria Harbour detachment this week. Son of Mrs. Lavena Ambeau and the late George Ambeau, Const. Ambeau has been stationed at Gananoque for the past four years. Married to the former Germaine Bellisle of Penetang, he has a one-year-old daughter, Sandra. The arrival of Const. Ambeau brings the strength of the Harbour detachment to an even dozen men, headed by Sgt. Blake Ball.
- Visitors from many far-away places came to Midland's Huronia Museum this past season. "They came from all over the United States, the British Isles, Europe, Australia, and New Zealand and| nearly all the provinces of Canada," declared Dick Grigg, assistant curator at the museum, yesterday. While Mr. Grigg indicated that the attendance was down slightly from last year, 10,700 were admitted to the museum during the season. "There didn't seem to be as many American tourists around this summer and that likely accounts for the drop in attendance," Mr. Grigg explained.
- Editorial – If the lineup of lake freighters, presently tied up in Midland harbor, is any indication of what this area can expect once the St. Lawrence Seaway becomes fully operational, district mariners face a bleak and uncertain future, as does one vital segment of the economy of this area.
- Road conditions in winter months demand tire safety with the vehicle equipped with chains or traction type tires, Ralph Hager, manager of petroleum company tire sales for B. F. Goodrich Canada, told an Ad and Sales club meeting in Orillia last week. "It will not be long before safety and law enforcement officials recognize the importance of proper tires and equipment for winter driving," he said. He predicted that some areas of Canada with heavy winter traffic problems would demand that motorists have their cars equipped with either chains or winter traction tires as a safety precaution.
On this 100th anniversary of the end of World War 1, we wanted to show the toll that influenza was having on our local population at the time with excerpts from the Midland Free Press October 31st, 1918.
Deaths in the last week of October 1918.
(Regent Street Hospital is the Regent Street School.)
[Unless otherwise designated, the below deaths occurred in Midland.]
REAR.—On Oct. 30th. Thos. Rear, aged 75 years and 10 months.
BROCK.—On Oct. 30th. Mrs. Harold Brock, aged 26 years, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Lucas. There are no children.
GRANT.—At Regent Street Hospital, on Oct. 28th. Miss Carrie Grant, aged 19 years.
WHEELER—On Oct. 30th, Mrs. Wm. Wheeler, aged 26 years, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hayward.
BEARD.—In Toronto, of pneumonia, Carrie Irene, a nurse in training, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Beard, of Coldwater, aged 20 years.
PARK.—On. Oct. 27th, Jean Keefer Beatty, wife of Mr. James Park aged 27 years.
DUPUIS.—On Oct. 26th. Joseph Dupuis, aged 35 years.
FERGUSON.—On Oct. 26th. Thomas Milton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Ferguson, aged 16 years, 1 month and 11 days.
SCOTT.—On Oct. 26th, Jean Carson, beloved wife of Mr. Albert Scott aged 25 years, 11 months, and 15 days.
HOLMES.—On Oct. 23rd. Herbert Willis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Holmes, aged 15 years and 1 month.
SMALLWOOD.—On Oct. 25th. John William, son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wm. Smallwood, aged 11 months and 6 days.
McCAW.—On Oct. 25th. Francis James McCaw, aged 33 years, 5 months and 8 days.
LEGAULT.—On Oct. 26th. Peter Legault, aged 20 years 1 month and 14 days.
McKAY.—On Oct 23rd. Violet Mary, wife of Dr. Chas P. McKay, aged 27 years.
LeClaire.—At North Bay, on Oct. 24th. Theodore LeClaire aged 72 years and 9 months. The body was brought here on Oct. 25th for interment.
CADIEUX.—On Oct. 25. I. Cadieux, unmarried man, aged 21 years, 8 months and 21 days. Interred in the Roman Catholic Cemetery.
MONGRAW —On Oct. 27th. Mrs. Lloyd Mongraw, aged 28 years.
ATKINSON. —On Oct. 27th. Ena Lillie Atkinson aged 24 years and 10 months.
BELL. —On Sunday, Oct 27th. Frederick James Bell, aged 35 years, 7 months and 11 days.
HARTMAN – In Midland, on Monday, Oct. 28th. Florence Helena Lunan, wife of Mr. W. C. Hartman, aged 32 years and 5 months.
SMITH —On Oct 27th. Mrs. Eli Smith, aged 50 years Mr. Smith died a few weeks ago. One son and one daughter remain.
NOBEL__ On Oct 26th. Mrs. E. W. Nobel, aged 25 years. Her husband and four children survive.
HANES —On Oct. 26th. Mrs. Samuel Hanes, aged 20. Her husband is overseas. One child is left.
LEMEAUX. On Oct 26th. Mary Lemeaux, aged 14 years. A sister was buried just two weeks ago. Her parents live here. (s/b Lemieux, Marie (Mary)Anna Beatrice, her mother was Mary Lavereau and father Philias (Felix) Lemieux. Her sister Alice Marie died on the 18th of October.)
GONEAU—In Penetang on Oct. 25. Mrs. Eli Goneau, aged 35 years. Her husband and eight children survive.
LONGLEAD—In Penetang, on Oct. 25th. Mrs. Wm. Longlead, aged 20 years. Mr. and Mrs. Longlead had been married only one month. One of her sisters was buried two weeks ago. (s/b Longlade, she was Marie Ella May Beausoleil, and her daughter was Laura. Her mother was Josephine Precourt and father Antoine Beausoleil)
HANES.— On Oct. 25th. An infant child of Mr. Geo. Hanes.
ANDERSON.—On Oct. 29th. Rose Eliza, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh R. Anderson, aged 1 year, 8 months and 9 days. The funeral took place on Tuesday morning from the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. A. Macriner, Fifth Street, the grandparents of the child.
BRISSETTE.—At Victoria Harbour on Oct. 27th. Jane, wife of Mr. Nelson Brissette aged 20 years. A young child survives, besides Mr. Brissette.
WHITE.— In Penetang on Oct. 22nd, Mrs. Julian White, a sister of the late Thos. Fitzpatrick. Interment at Penetang.
JUNEAU.—At Victoria Harbor, on Oct. 29th, Mrs. Daniel Juneau, aged 25 years.
(More detailed information on some of those listed above.)
The severity with which influenza struck Midland brought separations and sorrows hitherto unheard of in the same space of time. Last Friday the deaths were less than they had been for a few days previously. But on Saturday and Sunday, they again mounted upward, though all were cases which had been contracted a week or more earlier. Sunday was again a bad day for the sufferers, but Monday showed a little improvement, though at least three fairly well-known people succumbed.
The opening of Relief Rooms in the Brisbin Block helped to systematize the distribution of food, broths, and other necessaries, so urgently needed by helpless families, but in many instances, the victims were beyond all human assistance. Many of the town ladies are taxing their strength to the utmost in nursing the patients, while others have laid aside all personal considerations In order to assist in the relief work.
Conditions Improving.
The last two days have provided a much brighter outlook, as only odd cases were reported, and conditions are much more satisfactory than they have been since the outbreak. With reasonable precautions, the opinion is expressed by the Medical men that the worst is over.
Herbert Willis Holmes died on the 23rd after ten day's illness. He had been working as a rivet heater on the new boat (War Fiend) and was intensely interested in his work, but died the day previous to the launching. Mrs. Holmes lives on Quebec Street and has five other children, all of whom have been sick, as well as herself, but are recovering. Mr. Holmes went overseas with the 157th battalion and is at present in No. 12 Canadian Hospital, Bramshott, England. The family attends the Methodist Church, but Rev. Captain Coburn has also been confined to his room for some days and in his absence, Rev. J. J. Elliot conducted the funeral services.
After several days combating influenza on behalf of others, Miss Ena Lillie Atkinson, a nurse in the Marine Hospital, was herself attacked and died on Sunday night. She was a daughter of Mrs. R. Atkinson of Victoria Street, and a general favorite among her acquaintances.
Mrs. Lloyd Mongraw died in Dollartown on Sunday, leaving her husband and three small children. She had been ill only a few days.
MRS. (DR.) Chas. P. McKAY.
The death of Mrs. (Dr.) Chas. P. McKay occurred on the 23rd following a very brief illness. One little girl, about 9 years of age and her husband survive. The body was sent to Toronto for burial.
On the 24th Inst. Mrs. Agnes Stamp Campbell, the widow of the late Joseph Campbell, died at her home on Compton Street (College Street). She had been unwell for three or four months, but the end was doubtless hastened by an attack of influenza. She is survived by one daughter for whom a great deal of genuine sympathy is expressed.
On Monday, Mrs. James Park died after a week's sickness. She left one baby girl about a year and a half old and her husband. Mrs. Park was formerly Miss Jean Keefer Beatty of Galt, and the body was sent to that town on Tuesday for interment.
After a splendid struggle for his life, Mr. Roland A. West breathed his
last on Friday. He had seen service and hardship at the front, where his father was killed in action and had been invalided to Canada. Having partially recovered he came to Midland to work in the Shipyards where he was taken ill and removed to the Regent St. Hospital. His mother was notified and came from Toronto to assist in nursing him. Within a few minutes of his death, she was advised that her two remaining sons were also suffering from the same disease at their home. Mrs. West bore her afflictions with a truly Christian fortitude and her resignation was not only a revelation but a source of comfort and strength to several of those who were doing what they could for other suffering victims.
Death had no terrors for Francis James McCaw, who died on Friday. He was unmarried and was living with his mother, who has three other sons and was employed in Plant No. 2 of the Midland Engine Works. On the 12th inst, he was taken ill, and though anxious to live like any other healthy man, when he realized the seriousness of his condition, he spent the last few hours of his life chanting some of his favorite hymns. He was a regular and devoted attendant at the services of the Brethren and was satisfied that death was but the beginning of a better life. Interment took place on Sunday afternoon.
Mr. Joseph Oliver Dupuis died on Saturday. The body was taken to
Penetang for interment in the Roman Catholic Cemetery on Monday. Mr. Dupuis was born at Port Severn and came to Midland to take charge of the Hewis House when it was purchased by the present owners, though he had been in their employ in different capacities for some years. He was married twelve years ago at Byng Inlet and leaves a widow and one little girl. His illness extended over only one week.
The taking away of Mrs. Albert Scott on Saturday was one of the saddest occurrences of the present epidemic. She became ill a few days previously and though every possible assistance was obtained, she passed away. Besides her father, Mr. Wm. Carson, she leaves a husband, and two little girls aged 4 and 6. She was born in Toronto and came to Midland on May 7th, 1897. Mrs. Scott occupied an enviable position in the estimation of all those who knew her, and the regret which is expressed at her early death is only surpassed by the sympathy felt for the bereaved home, where several others, including the little tots, have been ill, but are happily recovering.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Ferguson, Fifth Street, were deprived of one of their two sons on Saturday when Thomas Milton passed away. He was born in Midland a little over sixteen years ago and spent his life here. The funeral was held on Monday afternoon.
Mr. Frederick James Bell, who died on Sunday, was born at Fenelon Falls 36 years ago. After reaching manhood he spent four years in Toronto as a builder and contractor but owing to illness he retired and came to Midland. He, however, could not lead an inactive life and went to Lions Head where he purchased a sash and door business, but again for the same reason returned to Midland about a year ago. He then opened a ladies ready-to-wear and fancy store with the assistance of his wife and was prospering until his illness assumed a serious turn about a week ago. He leaves Mrs. Bell, a son of 5 and a daughter of 8 years of age. He attended the Methodist Church and was a member of Coronation Masonic Lodge in Toronto, and also the Oddfellows in that city. Mr. Bell also leaves two sisters, Mrs. W. J. Morrow Fifth Street, and Mrs. M. Whaley, King Street Midland, and one brother, Mr. O. Bell, of Toronto who came up for the funeral, which took place on Tuesday afternoon.
Mr. Ernest Alexander was in Toronto last week attending the funeral of his brother, Captain R. O. Alexander, who died on the 22nd. His death was due to an automobile accident in which he was injured over a year ago. Interment took place at Bolton on Friday. Captain Alexander was born at Bolton 41 years ago. He was in business in Midland for some time then went to Toronto. When war broke out he enlisted as a lieutenant in the 118th, subsequently becoming a Captain. He was ready to accompany his battalion overseas when ordered to remain at Camp Borden as an instructor. He, however, declined to accept that position, having joined for active service and therefore resigned.
That the epidemic is not confined locally by any means is evidenced by the fact that in Saskatchewan various families are being wiped out, the effects of which are keenly felt here. On Friday Mrs. Adam Reid was advised that her son-in-law, Mr. Frank Kennedy, had died and that her daughter was very low. She at once started for the West and while on the train, received a message stating that Mrs. Kennedy had also passed away. Both were buried at Pennant. Sask. Mr. Kennedy was formerly an operator at the G. T. R. station here; he was 29 and his wife who was Miss Clara Reid, was 26 years of age. They leave one little boy. They went west about six years ago. Miss Reid of the Public School staff is a sister and Miss Berry of the Post Office staff is a cousin of Mrs. Kennedy. Another message notified Mrs. Reid that her husband was ill at North Bay, and Mrs. Reid has gone to that town to assist him.
The death of Mrs. Will Hartman on Monday was learned throughout town with very sincere regret. She was formerly Miss Florence Helena Lunan, of Collingwood, and was married just eight weeks ago. The body was taken to Collingwood on Wednesday morning for interment. During her, all-too-brief residence Mrs. Hartman made several warm personal friends. She was a trained nurse and her self-sacrifices to save others, since the epidemic commenced, doubtless lessened her powers of resistance when influenza attacked herself.
Word was received here on Tuesday that Mrs. Chas. Appleton had died in Collingwood on Monday night and was followed the next day by her husband. They leave two young children. Mr. and Mrs. Appleton were married in Barrie about six years ago. The latter being, Miss Mamie Robinson. After their marriage, they went to the Soo until last spring, when they moved to Collingwood. Mrs. Appleton was a cousin of Mrs. Chas. Goodfellow, of Midland; Mr. Appleton belonged to Beeton.
A brother of Mr. Armand Gauthier who died on the 25th arrived from
Sturgeon Falls two days ago and was too late to see him. The funeral had taken place.
Penetang News
The Sisters of Service S. O. S. have been doing excellent work meeting every day at the Library basement, preparing and collecting nourishing food for the invalids, while numerous townspeople have generously tendered the use of their autos and helped to distribute the food to the patients.
The remains of Mrs. Juneau were buried in the Memorial Church Cemetery on Monday morning. She left a large family of small children, being one of four who left an aggregate of thirty-three children—three leaving eight each and one leaving nine.
The remains of the late Thos. Fitzpatrick of Midland, and his sister, Mrs. White, were laid to rest on Thursday in the Memorial Church Cemetery, side by side in the same grave.
Chief Henry Jackson and Mr. Marsden, storekeeper at Christian Island, were in town on Friday and report, fifty deaths among the Indians so far and Dr. Sinclair, of the Department, is still there, but that the epidemic is abating.
Mrs. Norman McGibbon, Mrs. D. McGibbon, and Mr. C. Jarvais, in town, are still very low, but convalescing.
3.310.573 J. Borrow. Orillia.
644.328 J. Vaillancourt, Penetang.
644.094 V. R. Phillips. Orillia.
644.56 O. H. Hurst. Penetang.
644.697 R. Rumble, Penetang
642.135 J. Beaven. Collingwood.
3.310.606 W. Goodwin. Orillia.
3.180.572 L. Colburne. Collingwood.
3.109.143 J. J. Mclsaac. Orillia.
316.984 W. Shearn, Penetang.
2.356.388 E. Bush, Collingwood.
Lt. C. G. Frost, Orillia.
643.813 R. J. Shunn, Barrie.
853.406 F. Skelton, Collingwood.
3.232.622 N. Stalker, Penetang.
3.317.267 J. T. Bellehumeur, Penetang.
3.032.519 E. Sarazin, Midland.
331.743 E. F. Gardener, Orillia.
2.138.516 W. D. Kitchen, Hillsdale.
643.233 W. A. Cooper, Barrie.
3.317.345 J. C. Sinclair, Barrie.
338.190 V. Clark. Victoria Harbor.
——947. C. Wests. Barrie.
112.234 F. E. Harris. Carrie.
643.941 Corp. D. Radcliffe, Orillia.
83.108 H. Beatty. Elmvale.
Mrs. Edward Sarazin has received official notice from Ottawa of the wounding of her husband. Pte. Edward Sarazin by a gunshot wound in the left arm and fracture of hand. He is now in Warden House Hospital, Deal, England.
Mr. Clarence W. Simpson, who enlisted in the British Royal Engineers for service in the water motor branch, has become a Lance Corporal. He joined the army between last Christmas and New Year's and forty days later was in France.
On Saturday the flag on the municipal buildings was floating at half mast in honour of Pte. Fred Thompson, No. 3.317.352. who had died of wounds on the 10th. The message conveying the sad intelligence was received by his mother, Mrs. Dorothy Thompson, King Street.
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